Friday, August 10, 2012

This is my cubby room with a view
This is what my hands feel and smell like.
These are the things that I hold-sift through,
mold into pieces.

Every night I want to curl up with a feeling
of accomplishment.

Every morning I wake-up to traffic.

Not sleepy in the slightest (at first).
I have to get things and places out of my system-
so that I can be closer to not moving.
Be closer to staying still even though there is no
stillness in sight.

If tomorrow will be productive
and if I will connect with and be close to
everyone that I love, here.
All spread out across the city
and it becomes weeks/months before
we're able to see each other and when
we do
I will surely show resonance of that beat-up
alone feeling that I am met with
when I sit solitary on that step

Stairs to the doorway.

what thing I can do
before I go to sleep,
before it's too late
and can't get
enough sleep to be productive
in the morning.
Do. Make. Be. Do more. Get better.
(my mantra, my thoughts)
get better so that you can do more-
so that you can develop close relationships
and finally feel at peace.